Tax Season Got You Down? RRSPs Can Help!


Do you dream about the days when you received a tax refund? Let’s get those dreams to become reality.

Does this sound familiar?

Stephanie, a 30-year-old professional, makes $90,000 a year. She is tired of always owing money when it comes to tax season (who isn’t?!). She misses the days when she received refunds and wants to figure out a way to pay less in taxes.

If you answered ‘yes’, you should:

Open an RRSP.


Like many of us, Stephanie has been wondering if there is a way that she can stop owing the government so much income tax each year. She’s noticed over the last few years that as her income goes up, her tax refunds have turned into balances owing. To figure out how to fix her problem, Stephanie set up a meeting with her Prospera Credit Union Financial Advisor, Brittney Schmitke. She learned that she gets an instant tax savings of 32% and that all contributions come off her taxable income if she puts money into her RRSP account. When tax season comes around this year, Stephanie will be a lot happier thanks to her new RRSP account.

  1. What is an RRSP?

    A registered retirement savings plan allows Canadians to save for their retirement while deferring taxes during their high-income earning years.

  2. What are the benefits of contributing to an RRSP before tax season?

    There are many reasons why you should start contributing to an RRSP before tax season. You get an instant tax savings because all contributions that are made to an RRSP are deducted from your taxable income. Another benefit is that it could even drop you into a lower tax bracket.

  3. Are there any other benefits to contributing to an RRSP?

    Once you have made an initial contribution to an RRSP there are many ways for your money to grow tax sheltered. You can invest in savings accounts, term deposits, ETFs, mutual funds, individual stocks and bonds, and much more.  

In Stephanie’s case, by making RRSP contributions, she is able to reduce taxes and go back to seeing refunds instead of balances owing. This kind of financial planning can be overwhelmingly helpful for your short-term and long-term needs. Prospera advisors can help you make the decision that’s right for you.